The Anvil

You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they can and should do for themselves. - William J. H. Boetcker, 1916.

04 December 2006

Welcome to The Anvil

One of the distressing observations I have noted as I have grown older is the increasing lack of personal responsibility in our society. Whenever something goes wrong, it is always someone else's fault and an investigation into who is "to blame" ensues. Society is more apt to blame someone's rough time on "bad luck" or being stuck in "an unfortunate situation", rarely looking at how that individual's personal choices and decisions may have resulted in their current situation. The nanny-state mentality is growing thanks to elitists in both the private and public sectors who think they know how to take care of the common man better than himself; indeed, the UK is now a defacto nanny state with the government granted sweeping powers that intrude on almost every facet of the individual's life, often met with approval by the masses and lobbied for by various do-gooder groups intent on "improving society" through ever stricter control of one's private life.

In the U.S. we spend money we don't have, rack up ridiculous and dangerous amounts of revolving debt, save nothing, eat increasing amounts of unhealthy fast food, smoke like chimneys, engage in risky behaviour, and then look to the tort system and the government when things go awry. It's always easier to blame someone else for your problems than taking a good hard look in the mirror. Indeed, the U.S. federal government is growing by leaps and bounds and the number of programs and money involved at affecting individual behavior or intruding into our personal lives is increasing.

Frankly, we are sick of it. A better way exists, and that is the way of personal responsibility: take care of yourself, make wise decisions, take responsibility for what happens to you and your family (instead of finding someone to blame) and your life will be better. A society that can not, or is not, willing to take responsibility for its own actions and decisions and plan adequately for the future is a society in decline.

This blog will focus on items of personal responsibility, probably with a financial slant, particularly as it relates to the American consumer and family. It will also touch on how personal decisions can greatly effect one's future and that of his/her family's well-being. It is hoped that the commentary and posts on this blog will serve not only as a wake up call to those of us who refuse to take responsibility for our lives and future but also as a sounding board for the curious and like-minded individuals to discuss personal and fiscal responsibility issues that affect us all.

I'd like to offer a big welcome and thanks to my father, who will be co-contributing to this blog and is one of the smartest and most responsible people I know who taught his kids well.


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